Den där svininfluensan...
"Having the flu can be dangerous for anyone. But it is extra risky for people with diabetes or other chronic health problems.
In general, every person with diabetes needs a flu shot each year. Talk with your doctor about having a flu shot. Flu shots do not give 100% protection, but they do make it much harder for you to catch the flu for about 6 months. For extra safety, it's a good idea for the people you live with or spend a lot of time with to get a flu shot, too. You are less likely to get the flu if the people around you don't have it.
The best time to get your flu shot is beginning in September. The shot takes about two weeks to take effect.
If you have a cold or other respiratory illness, wait until you are healthy again before having your flu shot. And don't get a flu shot if you are allergic to eggs."
Jag börjar genast tänka i banorna: Varför är det ingen av de läkare & vaccinationssköterskor jag träffat som tagit upp frågan om influensavaccin? Är det meningen att jag ska vara uppdaterad på allt som händer och informera dem? Borde jag ringa någon och prata om att vaccinera mig?